Earth Is Home - الأرض بيتنا
Home الرئيسية, Watch Festival Films مشاهدة أفلام المهرجان, Arabic ShortFilms عربي قصير, Documentary shorts تسجيلي قصير
Availability ended 1/8/2021 EET
Tunisia- تونس
Coronavirus has spread around the world until the period of global quarantine that allowed people around the world to stay at home and then go back in time 1920 about the forgotten Spanish flu whose victims were most affected by COVID-19 in the end we learned that the coronavirus has no limits in Our world, Earth is becoming less polluted and we need to protect it because Earth is our home.
Directed by Noomen Noomen
Cast bby Smith Key Cast USA Alvin Tsang Key Cast Australia Maryam Karimian Key Cast Iran Dinara Kasimova Key Cast Russia Maja Stojic Key Cast Croatia Youssef Frikha Key CastTunisia