Matchsticks - كبريت
Home الرئيسية, Watch Festival Films مشاهدة أفلام المهرجان, Arabic ShortFilms عربي قصير, Drama Shorts دراما قصير
Availability ended 1/8/2021 EET
The beginning of the war interrupts the investigation that takes a place with Sarah , Then she stuck alone to face her fate in a small place.
Directed by Mahmoud Ahmed
Production Company TUNISIA
Cast Main actress : Clara Al Hawa The investigator : Mohammed Isaa Saleh Director of photography : Omar jouini Camera operator : Rahma Sougir Focus puller : Nour Amraoui Boom operator : Malek Saidani Mixer : Farah Briki Editor : Ahmed Belamari Script boy : Faiez Benyoussef Storyboarder : Mehdi karoui Original music : Ashraf Lubad